Design Styles of Press Ads in the Egyptian and Arab Women Magazines

Document Type : Original Article



This descriptive study focuses on the types of  layout of advertisings that published  in the Egyptian and Arab women magazines to compare between it.
The study depended on the survey technique as it is the most appropriate for descriptive studies therefore describe the types of  the layout of both magazines
The tool of the study were observation, analyzing form and standardized interview.
The study could draw the following results :
1- picture window type is the most technique that used. 
2- advertisings in Arab magazines more number than Egyptian magazines because of the economical and financial reasons.
3- the picture window type is the best as the designers opinions.
4-"Dar El Helal " organization didn't has the ability to design good advertisings but "El Ahram " organization has,  such as :design courses and the technology.  
5- the advertiser has the knowledge about the place of publishing, and choose it according of finical ability.
6- The are potentialities of design in El Ahram organization such as computers and different design programs and courses to designers,but Dar El Helal didn't have.    
1- Variation of all the layout types not to use one or two of types.
2- Make accurate researches to study the Egyptian market to know what attract the audience, needs and design ads according it.
3- Give courses to designers in Egyptian magazines to improve their skills and experiences.
4- It is important not to full the advertising with many factors to rest eyes of readers during reading.
5- Use the bleeding method to get presentation of ads.
6-  But free samples of product to active selling and help reader to test the product.
7- Make field study about reader's preference of every creator in advertising such as pictures, text, headlines, logo,  slogan.