The Ideologies and Methodologies of the Dialectic Letter of Shem Tov Palaquera (1235 –1295) .

Document Type : Original Article



The research aims at introducing Shem Tov Palaquera and his major works. Method of the studyDescriptive – analytical method.
The  dialectic letter contains  a dialogue between an orthodox Jew and a philosopher on the harmony of philosophy and religion, being an attempt to prove that the Bible is in perfect accord with philosophy.
Conclusion and Major Results of the Study:      

The philosophical principles are the largest in number (55) followed by the theological (43), then the general (13), then Palaquera’s (8) and finally the theologian’s (3).  In addition, in some concepts (19), philosophy and theology were in conflict while in others (11) they were in accord.
The treatise uses a systematic methodology which may be considered the basis for the formation of a methodology of dialectics for Palaquera, in particular, as well as for medieval Judaism in general.  In other words, this methodology could be considered the methodology of dialectics for the philosophic-religious dialogue.