Prose Translation

Document Type : Original Article



The art of translation has an ancient historical background in The Persian language and its literature but the translating traces of the greater authors, especially from the European Languages is considered one of the unprecedented events put its feet in the arena of Persian prose since the second half of thirteenth century A.H.( Nineteenth century A.D.)And several years ago before outbreak of Dostour Revolution. The theme of our research is the prosaic translation since late of Qajarian era until the end of pahlavi era and models of contemporary translators. It is known that glamour and gloss of translation has gradually increased in the contemporary period to the extent that it formed worthwhile part of the prose of such period some scholars believe that the translation is just a translation of author's ideas into another language and it can be easier than the creativity of autonomous object d'art that stands alone without mediator. If we compare how any genuine translation and its characteristics would occur to the creativity of any autonomous object d'art that stands alone, it became clear that the translation does not need to be familiar with both languages only in terms of the various aspects; but sometimes, in this regard, the translator is in badly need for recognizing the psychological status, of the author, his ideas, his original aim and even identifying his national characteristics as well. so, the translator should e catalyst to get genuine translation; because when the other composes a book, he unintentionally maker mistakes though his pen but the translator's task is to rethink of the other where success in conveying this message need a lot of intelligence and depth of thought.