Geomorphological Diversity of Mujib Nature Reserve and its Impact on Touristic Attraction

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor in Geography Department / Faculty of social sciences- Mutah University

2 Associate Professor in Geography Department / Faculty of social sciences- Mutah Univers


   The aim of this study is to determine the effect of geomorphological diversity on tourism attraction in the Mujib natural reserve. It is the lowest nature reserve in the world, characterized by geomorphologic diversity, consisting of rugged sand stone mountains, cliffs, waterfalls, lakes along Wadi Almujib, valleys, beach, and rich color variation. Mujib has four major trails, two river trails and two dry land trails, all of which offer some of the most dramatic hiking. The diversity of the Geomorphologic features is reflected on the diversity of flora and fauna.  Several maps have been produced such as contour map, geological map, TIN, using GIS ARC/VIEW software and ENVI remote sensing system. Geomorphologic map is also produced from landsat image 2003, TIN and field work by delineations land units and landforms, to determine the tourism attraction factor. 160 research questions  have been distributed randomly (80 to local tourists, and 80 to  foreign tourists). The results of analysis using SPSS system showed that geomorphological diversity was the most tourism attraction factor. Finally this area needs more  attention, and development specially in infrastructure, tourism facilities and marketing the area, locally, and abroad, due to it is diversity and it is unique characteristics.
