Relationship Between Unsatisfied Needs, Psychosomatic Symptoms and Social Problem Solving Skills

Document Type : Original Article



There is no doubt that human since his existence on earth is always seeking to satisfy his needs which is being renewed alongside with the technological development, the matter which provokes human always does his strenuous efforts in order to satisfy these needs whether biological, psychological or social. Hence, the main objective of the study was determined in recognition of the interactive relations of mutual influence whether negatively or positively among each of the unsatisfied psychological needs, psychosomatic symptoms and problem solving skills among at sample of female students from KingAbdelAzizUniversity which consists of 147 female students. Based on the foregoing, the main question of the study was determined: Is there a relationship between the unsatisfied needs (such as the need for love, acceptance, understanding and special needs such as friendship, belonging and achievement and love) and method of solving problems among the female students at KingAbdelAzizUniversity. The study has found fundamental result indicating that there was no statistically significant correlation between the satisfied needs and psychosomatic symptoms. From the study results, it was found that there was no statistically significant relationship between the psychosomatic symptoms and problem solving skills.