The use of antibodies in Abu Tammam's poetry The poem is a model Amorite

Document Type : Original Article



In his poems Abu Tammam evokes the paradoxical terms, and re-formed by the language that he had grasped, which gave rebirth and made him able to accommodate the perceptions about his vision of life and the universe. He introduced different images of the conflict between the Arabs and the Romans, through the binary oppositions on the dispute of life and death, and comfort, tiredness, movement and stillness, anger and satisfaction, victory and defeat. He sought to confirm the function of the poet in establishing the value of these binaries and these binaries formed a very effective attitude in building the poetic text through breeding patterns. In addition, he was able to make out of the disharmony homogeneous, which shows the importance of victory. This demonstrates the cultural awareness of the poet towards the vision of the qualities that he touched in Al Mu'tasim personal qualities, which made easy for him to adjust its opposites, collide, and disparate metaphors into the language simulated dynamic interrelationships in his hair. Perhaps the poem in the open Amuriyah is a good example for this phenomenon as it reveals about the quality of the artistic thinking of Abu Tammam, who is essentially build up his structure on the so-called contrast or binary oppositions.