The Legal Policies in the Face of Destructive Thought

Document Type : Original Article



The objective of this study is to identify the legal methods that may be applied to face the destructive thought. In order to fulfill this objective, the researcher used the descriptive methodology that applies the familiar academic rules that depend upon the academic sources extracted from their original material. The researcher discussed several topics including: The concept and significance of intellectual security, reasons, goals and methods of destructive thought, the role of the legal policies in countering this type of thought and the efforts exerted by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in facing such a destructive thought.
The researcher reached several findings, most important among which are:

Intellectual security is a basic and important foundation in safeguarding security and stability for the members of the society as most crimes are preceded by a perverted thought.
Intellectual security is the protection of the creed and values of the nation against deviation, the matter which would provide assurance and removes fear from the hearts of the members of the society.
The Sunnah ideology represents the judicious ideology that embodies the most sublime components of intellectual security throughout the ages. The Sunnah scholars have always been in the lookout to combat the thought that bears within itself extremism and radicalism.
In order to ascertain the existence of intellectual security, the individual must be intellectually prepared in a sound manner in order to become a good foundation in the fabric of the society by professing the magnanimous Islamic creed.

Based on these findings, the researcher recommends the following:

Sanction a national project for ascertaining and consolidating the intellectual security to be developed, prepared and supervised by a high commission constituted from several governmental authorities.
Conduct a special elaborate study entitled the "Intellectual Security in the Honorable Prophet's Sunnah".
Create special curriculum entitled the "Intellectual Security" to be taught in the local universities.
Issue an academic series about intellectual security comprising the Master and Ph.D. degrees that were prepared about this topic in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Gather the efforts exerted by the scholars in countering the destructive thought and print and publish them on a wide scale in order to benefit the members of the society, as well as utilize the experiences of the Advise Committees in the Ministry of Interior, and document them for future benefit.