A Semiotic Reading in Darwish’s “I see my Ghost Approaching from Afar”

Document Type : Original Article



This paper  presents an analytical study of  Mahmoud Darwish’s poem “ I see my Ghost Approaching from Afar” from the collection entitled “Why did you leave the Horse Alone?” The study concentrates on a semiotic reading of the text, starting with the title, a stepping stone into the poem’s vision that  expresses the poet’s process of  revelation,  from surpassing the outward   act of “seeing”, to a deeper “seeing” and  inward knowledge.
         The poem examines the complex signs and symbols that invoke historical, literary and religious characters. It also analyses semiotics drawn from Animal world with their , symbolic connotations. The semiotics of place, as well as invoking elements of nature such as wind, flowers, and  trees enrich the poem with colour, movement, sound and metaphor. By drawing on signifiers from a deep historical and cultural reservoir, Darwish’s employment of symbols and signifiers enhance the poem’s power and its poetic effect.