Alienation and Death in the Works of Turkish Poet Diya Osman Saba

Document Type : Original Article



Careful consideration of the Poetry collection called "Old Times" by Turkish Poet Ziya Osman Saba reveals that it revolves around alienation-death duality. Ziya's poetry experience was a representation of his suffering facing his frustrating reality when he, first, lost his mother as a young boy and, second, when Turkey lost it Islamic identity in the era of Attaturk and turned down its Islamic roots and its genuine Cultural heritage.
This frustration made the poet isolated and alienated from the surrounding reality. And, further, it pushed him to find in death fulfillment of his wishes and dreams. So, Ziya wished to die and started to write about death in his poems because he felt that death would be his savior which would bring him peace and free him from life, in which he felt a stranger, and from home which was no longer a home.