Environmental pollution, a threat to the archaeological sites, heritage and tourism in Zarqa, Jordan

Document Type : Original Article


Queen Rania's Institute of Tourism and Heritage The Hashemite University


      It is clear from the results of this study that the archaeological and heritage sites located within the Zarqa Governorate are exposed to the risks of industrial pollution that threatens the are existence of this historical evidence, with the increasing size of the expansion of factories and workshops and residential complexes, the rate of increase of pollution on the rise, that we must take preventive measures to halt the deterioration in the foundations of these buildings and then implement a plan to mitigate damage caused by industrial pollution. All of the following are some suggested actions to find a solution to the problem of industrial pollution threat to cultural heritage Available data indicate that air pollution in urban environments is mainly due to traffic. Since diesel vehicles greatly contribute to smoke and blackening of monuments, these should be replaced by electric vehicles in city centers or converted to alternative fuels. In addition, proposals for new air quality standards could require power plants, factories, car manufacturers and other major polluting industries to install cleaner technologies.
