The effect of Frier 's Example on assimilating the eloquent concepts among the fifth-stage secondary school in eloquence/ literary branch

Document Type : Original Article



The current research aims  to  know Frier 's Example on assimilating  the eloquent concepts  among  the fifth-stage secondary school  in eloquence/ literary branch. The researchers have placed  the following zero  hypothesis:
There  are not   statistically differences  at the level  0.05  between averages of  the experimental  group  studying  the eloquence by the m Frire  sample  and averages of  the control group  studying  the same subject with traditional method  in the post-test  for assimilating the eloquent concepts.
The researchers  have  equalized  between  these two groups   , using   t-test  in the variables  ( age ,  grades of Arabic language  in the final exam  for the previous year  in  the fourth stage ( literary),  the test of the linguistic ability ,  using  K  square  in the education  for the parents  and  intelligence  test.
After the researchers  have determined  the scientific subjects  that  being studied  during  the experience for 7 subjects  , the teaching methods  have been prepared   that being  offered to  set of  experts  and specialists . Based  on their   opinions  , amendments  have been made  and have become ready . For measuring the  two groups  's acquisition , the researchers   have  prepared post-test  for  assimilating  the concepts  consisting of  48  items  of multi-tests  that being  offered   to a  set of experts  and specialists.
After analyzing  the students 's responses   and statistically addressed   , using  T-test  , it has been indicated that there have  been   statistically  differences  between the two groups  and for the benefit of the experimental group  studying  the  studies   by  the example of " Fryer ".  The researchers have proved the effectiveness of the  Fryer ' example   that being  carried out  on the current research.

The researcher have recommended  to necessarily diversify  the teaching methods  in  studying  the eloquence  subject  by  using  the Fryer's  example ; they have suggested  to make  a study similar to the current one