Languages in tools. A Grammatical study in Masabeeh Almaghani of Al-Muzayy (820 )

Document Type : Original Article



This research deals with: Languages ​​in tools. (825H). The languages ​​mean the set of features that belong to a particular linguistic environment. These characteristics are shared by all the members of this environment. This concept has been referred to by modern linguists by literal habits, and this may come close to its definition of dialects.  As for the meaning of the tools in this research, the research will adopt the definition of Suyuti as: the letters and their similar names, deeds and circumstances. The grammatical study means the study of the effect of the languages ​​contained in the tools and letters and the like on the meaning on the one hand and the grammatical function on the other hand, This research has linked the effect of a book of books of the meanings of submerged meanings, the author called Masabeeh Almaghani of Ibn  Nour al-Din al-Muzayy Yemeni.
In order to achieve the research objectives, the research was organized into three axes:
Axis 1: Frequency of instruments in Masabeeh Almaghani.
 The second axis: Languages ​​and their impact on structure

Axis III: Languages ​​and their impact on function and significance.