The Phonic Changes in the Common Persian Words in the Egyptian Dialect Comparative Study

Document Type : Original Article



This study deals with  the  phonic changes which  occurred on the common Persian words that have entered to the Egyptian dialect , those words which common Egyptian use and know it, and were borrowed from the Persian language , it is often subdue to the change which suit  the words of the Arabic language represented in the Egyptian dialect, to become part of the language .
And  I divided it according to the phonetics in two sections: The first deals with the vowels' change: it came in thirteen changes, included all the changes which occurred in the short vowels and long vowels. And the other deals with the change of consonants: In which all the changes that happened between the consonants in two languages, I divided it into five types.
In every change in the two sections , I mention to the Persian word in originated form ; to make sure its Persian, and written in Arabic script,  an International Phonetic Association (IPA); to show the comparison, Then mention to the meaning of the word in Persian, And showthe change which accompanied it directly through entering the Arabic language or the Egyptian dialect ; then mention to its meaning in Arabic language and Egyptian dialect , so this research is comparative phonic research.