Sadness in the Rachel Bluwstein (Rachel the poetess)

Document Type : Original Article



The poet Rachel Bluwstein, known as "Rachel poet 1890-1931" is one of the most prominent poets in that period, where some critics see it as the first poet opened the door to his literary writers of women in which they call for social equality between the classes of society. Rachel worked in the educational farms in 1911, she met there "Aharon David Gordon" as well as met with the third President Zalman Shizar. At the time, she wrote three poems that sing the love of the homeland. One of these poems expresses her pain because of the fact that Shizar was not standing beside her. In 1913, she moved to France to pursue her studies in agriculture and engineering at the University of Toulouse, where she met the Jewish engineer Michael Bernstein, whom she loved so much, which was a major cause of her grief and the loss of her life, even when she returned from France to Israel in 1917. But after a short period she discovered that she was infected with tuberculosis and from Degania, which she loved so much, reflected in her poems, which was characterized by pain, sadness and suffering, until she spent her life in a hospital for TB patients until her death. Rachel wrote many poems that dealt with various topics but the love of ancestral land was the character that overshadows most of the poems as well as through these poems note the tone of grief and pain and separation is very clear between the folds of those lines of poems.