The United States is heading towards the region The Arabian Gulf

Document Type : Original Article



There is no doubt that the Arab Gulf region of the important regions in the world, whether old or modern, and this importance stemmed from different sources, including: geographical, which previously formed the junction of trade routes, whether wild or marine, as well as the economic resources were important for all, Behind the rivalry between the traditional colonial powers, such as Portuguese and Dutch through French colonialism and German and British and finally the US, and this and other motives behind the US interest in the region, which prompted the development of strategies from time to time to secure their interests in the And the American presence in the region has gone through several stages that differed according to the international and regional conditions and data that the region is going through, especially the balance of power among the world's controlling powers. The beginning of the nineties was the beginning of a new phase of this presence, And legitimacy backed by Security Council resolutions, but the stage of US presence in the region in 2003.