The environmental impact of drilling oil wells in air pollution With Suspended Particles (Applied study in the province of Basra)

Document Type : Original Article


Basra is one of the largest provinces in Iraq in the annexation of oil fields so Basra suffers from many environmental problems, and show the most obvious problems in air pollution and poor quality, where the province of Basra operations of large oil production and burning gas associated with the extraction of oil, which results in the emission of minutes and heavy gases Toxicity which causes the human many serious diseases.
This research is an applied study to analyze the levels of pollution in minutes suspended in the air drilling sites of oil wells for the province of Basra, resulting from the drilling of oil wells and the exhausters of generators and transport vehicles and some industrial events as well as the impact of dust flying because most of the sites are affected by dust flying by dust storms Big Impact In the air pollution of the city with solid pollutants.
The results of this research showed that the air of most oil wells drilling sites is contaminated with suspended minutes (TSP) by measuring total suspended minutes (TSP) concentrations in (9) Selected areas within the boundaries of the study area represented in the measurement of (42) site for 2011. (21) sites in the winter and (21) sites in the summer and compare the results of measurement with the local and global limits allowed to know the environmental impact of drilling oil wells in the spread of air pollutants (TSP) emitted from drilling sites to the surrounding air and with the prevailing wind direction.