Internal developments in Qatar during the reign of Sheikh Ali bin Abdullah Al Thani 1949-1960

Document Type : Original Article



Sheikh Ali was born in Qatar in 1894, and his rule extended for more than eleven years (20 August 1949 - 24 October 1960), and died (31 August 1974). He holds the British K.B.E Medal, which entitles him to the title of Sir, grew up scientific, he went to study from a young age, and studied by the elders of his time and by the scientists who came to Qatar and was tasting literature and poetry, and his office is not without jurists and writers.
As for the lineage is Ali bin Abdullah bin Qasim bin Mohammed bin Thani bin Mohammed bin Thamir bin Ali, and the origin of the Al Thani family to the tribe of Al-Wahba, which includes Al-Maadad bin Zakher, and these belong to the tribe of Bani Tamim bin Murr bin Ad bin bin Tabkha bin Elias bin Mudar bin Nizar bin Maad bin Adnan.