pilgrimage Sultan Baybars and Sultan al-Nasir MuhammadAnd its implications for Mecca

Document Type : Original Article



Pilgrimage of the best acts of worship when the Lord of the . It is the fifth pillar of Islam. Where Muslims go to different cities around the world to Mecca Vigtmon on the one hand to perform the rituals of this duty . Since the dawn of Islam in Mecca was interest in all respects is a favorite among all Muslims، Governments have been vying for the leadership of the Islamic world want to supervise the direct supervision of Mecca, And spend money and gifts in order to provide for services that facilitate and make it easier for pilgrims Nskhm and complete their pilgrimage, The state Mamluk (648 923 AH / 1250 AD 1517) of the leading countries that focused on overseeing the Mecca and spent money and gifts in order to provide for services that facilitate and make it easier for pilgrims Nskhm . The research has addressed the arguments Sultans state Bahri Mamluks, namely Sultan Baybars and Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad, and the impact of those arguments to Mecca, and then seal the most important research findings.