Educational Services and a Means for Human Development

Document Type : Original Article



The condition of human development in Iraq is suffering of regression due to the damage inflicting the political, economic and social infrastructure caused by the internal and external political unrest. All these circumstances have led to a negative impact on the process of human development.  Even though Iraq possesses a vast potential of human and natural wealth, it has been used for the promotion of the success and development process in Iraq. Development does not require only a huge amount of potential wealth; it also requires a wise ruling that eliminates ignorance, corruption and poverty ahead of every step.

Therefore, the present study aims at investigating the relationship between human development and educational services since the latter is one of the cornerstones of human development and the tool for combating ignorance and poverty, then, overcoming all the obstacles facing the process of education. After problems are identifies, needs of proper education is fulfilled and the level of education service is reached