Civil society groups The construction of the social reality of Terrorism

Document Type : Original Article



    There are few in-depth sociological studies, and a variety of disciplines on the rituals of solidarity, "the spirit of social initiative and support" in building the real objective reality of terrorism by civil society groups in the city of Beni Suef.  So, the hypothesis of research does not build the perceptions and behavior of civil society groups, the real social reality of terrorism, although they touch the official narrative, as well as reflect the imbalances in our rituals and social organizations obscures the construction of this reality or symbolism. The study used the Intensive Sample and quasi-standardized interviews with 114 individuals. The study began with the interpretive approach of Collins towards practical solutions, and the ability of human beings to find the civil organizations and activities that express this spirit in dealing with terrorism without narrating single perceptions of control and stability. Between civil society groups in the industry of social issues of justice, equality and others whenever there are real attitudes and solidarity towards social crises. The results showed that the structure of this reality is linked to the buildings of the outside world (the official version) and local culture (The criteria of power governing everyday life). The spirit of the response was obscured by the "generalized state of the anomie," the imbalances in everyday life and social structures, the failure of successive social policies in their formalistic rituals, and the lack of power to teach good citizenship behind the ruling social contexts. The results showed that the active force of civil society is absent and is turning a blind eye to the exploitation of its functions in contacting others and providing assistance to the victims, thus making it a social reality of terrorism, incomplete and instantaneous, and only blatant voices in the wilderness without the trace of sea tillage. It concluded that knowing the secret of the unknown novel - the true rituals of solidarity - can solve many of our chronic problems such as poverty, unemployment or temporary terrorism, adding to the activities and records of civil society a reservoir of expertise and not just a smoke bomb in front of terrorism.

Keywords: Terrorism, interaction symbolism, social constructionism, Civil Society Groups.