(The employment of semiotics in the civilizations of peoples (scorpion model) (An analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


Specialization linguistics / teaching in the Department of Spanish Language / College of Languages / University of Baghdad


According to researcher Carlton Koon in his article "Arab Anthropology," there is no doubt that Arabs need to study other cultures, because people can not live alone, or ignore the culture of the other.What Carleton saidis that literary works can be one of the best sources of linguistic, cultural and cultural communication that presents the history of a country. But at the same time, we know it well, it is only by studying the history of that people or civilization. The analysis of text from the linguistic or literary point of view without reference to the people's philosophy, grammatical, social, ideological, customs, traditions and customs will be futile. Therefore, the analysis of literary text symbols aims to explain what the motives of the writer and what he wants to say and give justification for the way he used to put this idea and what he eventually generated impressions of the reader.This work came to provide some ideas about the symbolism of the Scorpio which there are few sources of information about. The first part of the research was divided into an anthropological study of the symbol of Scorpio in ancient history; Assyrian, Egyptian and Roman. In the second part, the study dealt with the analysis of the symbol "Scorpio" in terms of language and literature in the events of the short story of the Cuban author, "José Antonio Grillo Longoría", written in 1982, this story, which came the same name "scorpion."


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