The Concept of Motherhood in Brecht’s “Mother Courage and Her Children”

Document Type : Original Article


University of Baghdad – College of Fine Arts


            The paper is concerned with the significance of the portrait of mother as a female in any society, being a mother, a sister, a daughter or a hard worker. She is a significant part in any community. The image of woman in general and as a mother in particular has a great influence in all aspects of life.
The mother's task becomes more complex. She devotes her life to the demanding task of caring for her children and providing for the family living. As mothers entered the work force they are pulled between two rather powerful and contradicting riptides be more doting and self-sacrificing.
Brecht tries to focus on the idea or theme of mother during his play Mother Courage and Her Children, that deals with a mother as a businesswoman and at the same time how she does lose her children because of her greed and business in a very vivid description, details, incidents, and circumstances that develop throughout the course of the play that Brecht tries to make his dramatic works as an instrument and a source of new ideas for change.

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