Cultural capital and its relation to consumption preferences A field study in the light of Pierre Bourdieu's views

Document Type : Original Article



The theme of the current study represented the relationship between cultural capital and consumption preferences in the light of Pierre Bourdieu`s opinions. This study targeted to identify the concept of cultural capital, and explain the relationship between cultural capital and consumption preferences, it also targeted to answers about some questions taken from Pierre Bourdieu`s opinions about explaining consumptions.  The study depended on sample social survey method. The study used intensive interview as a tool for collecting data from respondents. the results show that Pierre Bourdieu’s opinions is not appropriate to explain the relationship between cultural capital and consumptions preferences in Egyptian society, and gender had an effect on preferences in cultural consumption, also the results show that there are another factors affecting consumption preferences such as: income, values, traditions, and the Egyptian society`s culture in general.


Main Subjects