The impact of Religious Speech in Achieving the Social Peace

Document Type : Original Article



      Social peace is one of the most important objects that nations strive to achieve in order to preserve their gains and develop their capabilities. The religious speech is considered one of the major means in doing so . This study is an attempt to investigate the ability of the Islamic Religious Speech to create a state of social peace, in case of its absence, and to maintain the social  that already exists. This subject is very important since religions and religious speech have a great influence on human thoughts and behaviors. In this study, I followed the inductive and analytical approach and examined the authentic Sunnah books which contain texts related to religious speech and social peace. I quoted from Qur'an and Sunnah interpretation books that cover Quranic  verses and Prophet's name and mentioned the narrator of each Hadith. I restricted my research to the two authentic books “Sahihain”.And if the Prophet’s saying does not exist in one of them, I mentioned whether it is authentic or not. I also abided by the form of reference quotation.
The most important results can summarized as follows :

The proper interpretation of the religious texts and ability to understand reality are the most important factors of the religious speech that can achieve the social peace.
The civil peace is the responsibility of community and its members and institutions, each according to its ability and role.
Inner peace is the foundation of social peace.

Recommendation :

Coordinating between social guidance platforms to create the integration required to achieve the social peace.
Establishing rules that maintain peace, explaining the way of its implementation and informing people about it and encouraging people to follow the right, irrespective of personal gains and fanaticism.
Identifying doubts that may come to some people's minds and prevent them from accepting the social peace as one of the most important solutions for our crises and providing sufficient answers for those doubts.


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