The Watchdog Role of The Egyptian Press reflected by The Investigative Journalism: A comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article



The problem of the study is to monitor the Features of the Watchdog Role played by the Egyptian press through analyzing the investigative reports in the newspapers (Al-Ahram, Al-Masry Al-Youm and Al-Wafd), which deals with various societal issues, as well as analyzing the narrative structure within these investigations. This study belongs to descriptive studies concerned with studying the current situation of the phenomenon. The theoretical framework included both the theory of social responsibility and narrative Paradigm. The study was based on the methodology of the media survey method and the narrative analysis. The sample of the analytical study was about 458 investigative reports during the period of six months from 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017. The most important results of the study was that "economic issues" ranked first with 38% in the agreement of the newspapers study interest, followed by "health issues" with 14.4%. And 126 investigative reports are the total investigations in which featured the watchdog role. The social responsibility was the main watchdog reference for investigative journalists with 68%.

Main Subjects