Postalers are ambitious to fall (316-337 H / 928-948 AD)

Document Type : Original Article



   One of the most important families in the history of the Abbasid caliphate, they are an ambitious family whose members took important positions such as writing, money and then the ministry. However, things did not describe them in their relations with the Abbasid Caliphate. They sometimes work under the umbrella of the Abbasid Caliphate and sometimes against them. To cooperate with the forces hostile to the Abbasid Caliphate to reach their goals.
   The Abbasid caliphate did not stand silent in front of this, but also resorted to a strong ally represented in the Hamdaniyah state, which was able to inflict defeatism on the Bardians and limit their influence until they removed their power.
   Indeed, postal workers were exhausted by war, weakened and deprived of their money, and differences and discord among family members arose because of the need for funds, which brought them to an end.


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