Spatial variation of the gender gap in Iraq

Document Type : Original Article



The study aims to study gender in Iraq by clarifying the qualitative gap and distributing it by spatial units according to the administrative units of Iraq in the most vital areas. Based on the Gender Equality Index, which highlights the differences between males and females in the field of population through gender ratio, age structure and employment through unemployment and employment rates, Through enrollment ratios at school and health levels through life expectancy and death indicators.
The problem of the research is, "Do the Iraqi population suffer from a gender gap in the population, education, health and economic fields? What are the governorates where the qualitative gap is widening and where does it shrink?
The answer to the research results from the following results:
The sex ratio in Iraq has decreased from 104 males per 100 females in 2009 to 103 in 2016. The qualitative gap in favor of males is significantly reduced among the population of all governorates of Iraq for the young age groups (0-29 years). The qualitative gap disappears and the qualitative balance between population The highest age groups show a qualitative gap in favor of females in the age group (60 years and over), which includes all governorates of Iraq except Diyala governorate according to 2016 data, with the value of the qualitative equality index in Iraq decreasing by only 0.11 between 1997 and 2016 ) From (1.26) to (1.15) in 2016, this indicates that there is a qualitative gap in the population area in favor of slow-growing females Thief.
There is a qualitative gap in the field of education due to the low values ​​of its indicators in Iraq and relatively later than the desired goals despite the development of time, but this development was below the required level, and increased unemployment rates for women throughout Iraq according to the Equality Index of Unemployment between males and females for the period (2006-2012) There is a large qualitative gap in unemployment at the level of Iraq, which was in favor of females and is heading towards widening with the increase in the index values ​​of the unemployment equality between 2006-2012 from 1.40 in 2006 to 1.70 in 2012. It indicates a qualitative gap in the field Economic situation in Iraq has widened in favor of female residents of Karbala governorate In 2012 significantly compared to other governorates and reduced the qualitative gap in the unemployment of the population of Salah al-Din compared to other governorates in 2012 and was in favor of males.

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