The Reflection of Body Language on the Embodiment of the Hero's Character in Agnon’s Works.

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Prof. Dr. Jassim Rasheed Hilu College of Languages, University of Baghdad, Hebrew Dept.


The present study discusses body language and its reflection on the hero's character in the short stories of Aghnon. It aims to prove the fact that body language has an enormous reflection in the characterization of the story characters in general, but the hero in particular. The present study has proven that that body language has an important and clear role in the structure of the characters and events as an integral state as it expresses or reflects clearly and beyond doubt the states of emotion, happiness, sad, and anger. These gestures express the psychological, social states and the main aim inspired from the writer's imagination. It is reflected also on the choice of names of characters and places in the story, as they have significances intended by the writer who aims to render them to the reader via a suitable style. The author embodies his choices to describe body gestures or the names of the characters which may be Biblical or modern names and connects body gestures to the said elements within one crucible molded proper. Thus, body language is but reflections of the author's thoughts and events which are accessed to via the gestures of hands or legs or any other organ of the human body. This style represents an advanced state of story writing and how the message intended to be rendered to the reader is understood. Body language is regarded as an important part of modern semilogy in the literary structuring, which is semiotic that witnesses a clear development in the literary and stylistic studies, but even in translation field. This is why this issue has been chosen to prove the suggestion that body gestures have an immense reflection in story writing. The present research has adopted a critical analytical study of samples of Aghnon short stories which can serve the present research.              

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