Arab political associations and parties in the Ottoman Empire During the constitutional era (1908-1914)

Document Type : Original Article



While conducting this study , the relation   ship between Arab and ottoman has witnessed two different stages .  The first one started from the declaration of the
constitution 1908 to 1911.  During this period, there was  a mutual  understanding between the Arab movement  and the national movement  of  titrick .
An  example of  that is the establishment of Arab and ottoman  Association of  brothers.
The second period begins 1911 to 1914  in which the Arab movement  had  hostile attitude  towards  ottoman  after their shed and control of the federalism on all  joins of the state .
The policy of  federalism  had a great  influence on changing the  Arab Attitude who had  explicit  appositive  attitude  towards their policy and  movement of  titrick .
This led to the  establishment  of  public and secret  associations  aimed at polarizing and aggregation of Arab parties to defend their own interests  .


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