An Introduction to a Grammarian’s multiple perspectives; An example from Ibn Jenni

Document Type : Original Article



The multiplicity of opinions is a well founded phenomenon in Arabic grammar. This research suggests that methods could be extracted from the applied side of grammar which could lead to what this grammarian chooses regarding this topic. However, from a theoretical level, several perspectives have been approved.
This falls within the implementation since it is a context affected by the intellectual establishment consciously from the author’s side with intention or without intention from his side.
I have selected Ibn Jenni as an example for that since he discusses the concept of language creation and its origins, where he alluded to two well-known quotes: it is a Godly inspiration, and it is a term widely adopted amongst its people, and he did not select either one of those terms. 
On the other hand, I found that, in applied grammar, he offers an abundant explanation of some language changes in the concept of progression. And progression refers to the situation where the speaker changes the image of the word or its composition over several stages and not at once.
And I found that utilizing this method proof that, in the topic of language origins, he selects the second quote, because it is that quote that coincides with the progression method that he adopts in explaining the language change in his books.
This research consists of an introduction and four sections: then the conclusion and its highlights

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