The development of correctional institutions and inmates care programs in Kuwait from the recent past to the present

Document Type : Original Article


Academy of Saad El Abdlah for Security Sciences


The aims of the current research were tracing the development of correctional institutions and inmates care programs in Kuwait from the recent past to the present, reviewing the efforts made in this field, monitoring the challenges facing these developments, and how to overcome them., and providing a set of recommendations that can be used and used as guidance in the process of developing correctional institutions and inmates care programs in these institutions in Kuwait.
The current research was considered a descriptive research type that relies on a qualitative description of the research topic, as it discussed: correctional institutions and inmates care programs in the recent past and present, through reviewing the scientific literature related to each of: criminal sociology, criminal psychology, and the social work profession in the field of caring for prisoners, released prisoners, and their families.
Results: All research questions answered. Also, a number of recommendations were presented that can be used and used as guidance in developing correctional institutions in Kuwait and inmates care programs in them.


Main Subjects