Psychological Well-being as a Predictor of Professional Self-efficacy among Educational Counselors in Amman

Document Type : Original Article


University of Mutah


The study aimed to identify the level of psychological well-being and self-efficacy among educational counselors, and to examine the relationship between psychological well-being and professional self-efficacy, as well as the extent to which psychological well-being contributes to predicting professional self-efficacy among a sample of educational counselors in Amman. To achieve the objectives of the study, the research tools (the Psychological Well-being Scale and the Professional Self-efficacy Scale) were applied after confirming their validity and reliability to a sample of 335 educational counselors in Amman. The results of the study showed that the level of psychological well-being among educational counselors was moderate, while the level of professional self-efficacy was high. The results also indicated a statistically significant positive relationship between professional self-efficacy and psychological well-being among the educational counselors in Amman. Furthermore, the results revealed a statistically significant predictive ability of psychological well-being for professional self-efficacy among educational counselors in Amman. The study concluded with several recommendations, the most important of which is directing educational counselors to work on developing their psychological well-being and recognizing its importance in influencing professional self-efficacy, which, in turn, reflects positively on work performance, quality, the ability to overcome challenges, problem-solving, and decision-making


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