Food among the Dadanites and Lihyanites in Dadan A historical and cultural analytical study in light of recent archaeological discoveries

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts, Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This study sheds light on food of the Dadanites and Lihyanites in Dadan, by studying its authentic sources such as inscriptions, animal drawings on rocks, pottery and stone vessels, and natural finds such as animal bone remains, shells, pottery dolls, stone statues, stone sculptures, and handicrafts such as jewelry related to the subject. The study aims to provide a comprehensive concept of the types of food consumed, and the spices used to improve its taste. The study reviews the tools and utensils used in preparing, cooking, baking, serving, preserving, and storing foods. It is followed by an analytical study to understand the factors that helped provide food throughout the reign of the Dadan and Lihyan kingdoms, and to know the methods used in cooking it. The study reached some results, the most prominent of which is proving the diversity of Dadanites and Lihyanites food, including grains, dates, meat, shellfish, shells, fruits, and vegetables, there were two types of bread, and that the land of Dadan with its natural resources was the source of food wealth, in addition to the efforts made by the people to preserve and develop this wealth. The study is concluded with a set of recommendations, The study is concluded with a set of recommendations, the most notable of which is directing research centers to conduct analytical studies of the organic residues found within the discovered pottery.


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