The efforts of Sheikh Abdul Majeed Al Zidani




The research, entiled:"the effort of sheikh abd al Majiid al zindani in the Doctrine", aims to explain the efforts of the sheikh in the science of doctrine, by knowing the extent of his interst in the science, carifing his approach in explaining and clarifying it, listing his work, lectures and lessons, and mentioning his most prominent activities in serving this science and explaining its role. In confronting doctrinal deviations, myths, and innovations, and rejecting suspicions. The researcher has found to the most notable results:
Sheikh al Zindani is considered one of the preachers, divine scholars, and seasoned politicians who had a positive imprint on the history of Yemen and guided people to the correct doctrine and belief in the Creator. Rather, it appeared.
His effect on the Islamic world, and many western scholars were influenced by his style, so they converted to Islam and became convinced of the faith.
Sheikh al Zindani follows the approach of the Quran in learning the science of monotheism and calls for taking it through and combines words and deeds.
The scientific materials presented by Sheikh al zindanion doctrine have exceeded fifty articles between the books.
His research and studied, in addition to his countless articles and seminars in his field. His effort also appeared clear in the issue of confronting suspicions, deviations, misguidance, and heresies, the myths and ignorance that have plagued the Islamic nation for a long time, especially in Yemen.
Once of the most important recommendations was urging researchers and those


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