Features of Westernizing film

Document Type : Original Article




Just as the term alienation formed its philosophical connotations among philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx to indicate alienation and alienation from the self, it formed a detailed form in Freud’s psychological propositions as well. As for the level of modern critical theorizing, alienation came through a critical concept among the Russian formalists, with the meaning of removing familiarity and prolonging perception. But what is most important for the details of the research entitled (Characteristics of the Western Film) and what it deals with is represented by the procedural proposals in Brecht’s theater in terms of the theatrical concept (breaking the element of integration), which is manifested by a departure from the critical procedures of the Aristotelian theatrical theory and its complications that governed and controlled the laws of theater from the Greek era down to the present time, which is represented by the concept of integration. And identification and reincarnation to achieve purification through the elements of compassion and fear. The research presents a study of the concept of Westernization philosophically, literary, and theatrically, and the representations of Brechtian Westernization in cinematic films. The research presents a study of the concept of Westernization philosophically, literary, and theatrically, and the representations


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