Peace in the Philosophy of "Yeshayahu Leibovitch– "ישעיהו ליבוביץ'

Document Type : Original Article


Ain Shams University- Faculty Of Arts- The department Of Hebrew Language


Most Jewish philosophers in the modern era have sought to reconcile Judaism with contemporary Western movements, drawing on the intellectual concepts that Western philosophy has developed over time. Following the establishment of Israel in 1948 and the subsequent wars, this led to the emergence of the Arab Israeli conflict and efforts at peace negotiations. In response, Jewish thinkers adopted and adapted new philosophies to address the evolving realities they faced. To fully grasp these philosophies, it is crucial to understand the context from which they emerged. This study will delve into the work of Israeli philosopher "Yeshayahu Leibovitch" (1903-1994), whose ideas reflect a significant model of political philosophical thought in post-1948 Israel and continue to influence the Israeli political landscape today.
The study will explore Leibovitch's concept of peace, his proposed solutions for achieving it, and the challenges associated with implementing these solutions by analyzing his writings. Leibovitch, an influential thinker, addressed various aspects of Israeli reality in his numerous works, including peace, the future of Palestine, and potential solutions to these issues. The study is divided into two main sections, preceded by an introduction detailing Leibovitch’s background, life, and intellectual contributions. The first section, "The Concept of Peace in the Philosophy of Yeshayahu Leibovitch," will examine his views on peace, while the second, "A Forward-Looking Vision for the Palestinian Future," will explore his perspectives on future solutions. The study will conclude with a summary of the main findings and a list of sources and references used.


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