An overview on Abu Al-Mahasen Al-Yaghmouri’s “Noor Al Qabas Al-Mokhtasar men Al-Moqtabas; A Brief of the Stories of Grammarians, Litterateurs, Poets, and Scientists”, investigated by Rudolf Sellheim

Document Type : Original Article



Long ago, orientalists started their deep interest and research into the heritage of the orient and its precious gems hidden even from its people, where they spread their investigation across various areas all over the world. They investigated the written manuscripts, and collaborated to collect the heritage, examine it, index it, and publish it. Our heritage would have stayed locked in its cabins all together, with no means to publish it in our hands.

This research aims to examine and study one of the prominent books in biographies, “Noor Al Qabas Al-Mokhtasar men Al-Moqtabas”, investigated and published attentively by the German orientalist Rudolf Sellheim. It gives an overview on the book, its chapters and content, in addition to shedding some light into the research methodology followed. Moreover, proposing to take this study into a deeper level, a sample of historical figures studied in the book were chosen according to their geographical location, in compliance with the classification used in the book itself; in an attempt to compare the figure’s biography to that of him appearing in Ibn Khalkan’s “Wafayat Al-Ayan”, due to both books association with the same era. Also, a thorough commentary on its writer’s methodology, classification, and indices was given in this research.

Main Subjects