Quality and communication skills in the Iraqi news sites

Document Type : Original Article




This Research Concentrateon The Services Provided By The News Websites of The Iraqi Media Network to audience of Internet users, in Addition to The Materials Published Through Pages, Trying to Monitor, Analyze And Interpret them to Identify their Types, Characteristics, Nature, Levels, And The Job They Meeting, Whether, They are Media or Non-Media For The User. , as well as Its Classification To Know The Technical Potential Enjoyed by Each of The News Sites In question, In light of The Entry of The Latest Technological Technologies into The Field of Media Communication. The Researchers Used thecontent analysis Tool as A Research tool to analyzethe News Sites and Know Services they Provide Through their Pages. Web Services the Third and Final Axis Included a presentation And Interpretation of the Results of theanalysis using Statistical Methods. at The Conclusion of The Research, The Researcher Reached aset of Conclusions, Most notably: News Sites achieved, and In Close Proportions, a Comprehensive Presentation. However, The Analysis Process showed The Superiority of the Huffington Post Arabic Website (a News Aggregation Site Established by Ariana Huffington with Kenneth Leeredand the American Endoroprineart In 2005) Over the Two Iraqi Media Network Websitesand Arabic. net (A News Website Linked to Al-Arabiya Channel Affiliated with The Middle East TV MBC Presents Various Political And Various News) Regarding the Provision of The Press Archive Service for The Published Materials, but This does not Mean the Demise of The Materials Published on The two Sites, but Rather it is available whenever The


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