Future Marriage Anxiety and Its Relationship to Self-Efficacy and Life Orientation among Mu'tah University Students

Document Type : Original Article




This study was aimed at identifying the anxiety of future marriage and its relationship to the self-efficacy and life orientation of students of amu'tah university in the light of some variables, and is a study of analytical descriptive research, which relied on the survey curriculum, where the study was conducted on a sample based on a survey. (377) Individual from the study community of students of a mu'tah university, in order to achieve the study's objectives, the researcher relied on identification as a tool for data collection.The study found that the level of anxiety of future marriages among students of a university was high, with the total arithmetic average (3.85), while the level of b mu'tahoth self-efficiency and life-orientation was medium, and the results revealed a statistically significant expulsive relationship between the subjective efficiency of the sample and their life-orientation at the indicative level (0.01≥ a). and revealed a statistically significant relationship (expulsion) between the future marriage concern of the sample members and their subjective competence at the indicative level (0.01≥ á).


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