History of Jordanian-Palestinian relations from the unity decision to disengagement ((1950-1988

Document Type : Original Article




The study aimed to explain the history of Jordanian-Palestinian relations from the decision of unity to disengagement from 1950 to 1988. The study addressed the importance of what Jordan has provided throughout its history to Palestine militarily, politically, and economically, preserving the unity of the Palestinian territories, explaining the most important historical stations of Jordanian-Palestinian relations, and demonstrating the importance of unity between the two banks. Enabling the Palestinians to supervise their political and economic affairs and highlighting the importance of the disengagement decision to support the independence of the Palestinian people and achieve political solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The study relied on the historical approach, which describes and records past events and facts, and works to study and interpret them, leading to their analysis based on precise scientific and methodological foundations, thus arriving at facts and instructions that contribute to understanding the present based on the events that happened in the past, and thus predicting the future, and describing Events in the history of Jordanian-Palestinian relations from the unity decision to disengagement

The study reached a set of recommendations and results. The study confirmed that Jordan remained in contact with the Palestinian Authority after the disengagement and developed joint work in various fields between the two sides. The study recommended that it is necessary for Jordan to stand by the Palestinian brothers, especially in light of the Israeli war. On Gaza in 2023


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