The image of women in Andalusian colloquial proverbs (138-897 AH / 756-1492 AD)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University


The image of women in Andalusian colloquial proverbs
(138-897 AH / 756-1492 AD)
Andalusian colloquial proverbs represent a fertile field for uninformed studies of the image of Andalusian women from the lived reality away from traditional sources in view of the fact that the proverbs are the product of a long popular life experience for the community that concludes with a lesson and wisdom of an era and environment, and a container loaded with signs, suggestions and perceptions that help in understanding a deeper view of Andalusian society for women Taken from a live picture of lived reality.
Study plan:
The axes of this study revolve around the following points:
- an introduction.
First: the proverbs are linguistic and idiomatic.
Second: The Andalusian society's masculine view of women.
Third: A general view of women's education.
Fourth: The image of the working woman.
Fifthly: the image of a free woman.
Sixth: The image of the female slaves and female slaves.
Seventh: The image of the girl.
Eighth: The image of the old man.
Ninth: The image of the veiled and the open.
Tenth: The image of women within the institution of marriage and the family
Finally, the conclusion of the study included: the results reached by the researcher, and the research was concluded by confirming the sources and references.


Main Subjects