social determinants of teaching performance of teachers in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Arts. Helwan University


This study aims to identify the social determinants of the teaching performance of teachers in general education. To achieve this goal, we use the qualitative method through the “In-depth Interview” tool. We conducted Twenty in-depth interviews with various categories of participants in the educational process (Deputy Ministers, officials in the Professional Academy for Teachers, mentors, school managers, Teachers). The Main findings are: There is a gap between existing legislation and laws (what should be), and the actual application of these laws in daily life (what actually exists), the evaluation tools and standards used in the process of evaluating teachers’ performance are very old, and most of its Items are focus on the formal and appearance aspects such as the teacher’s appearance, his dealings with the school manager, absence and attendance, and punctuality, rather than Focus on the professional and practical aspects. as well as the impact of human relations on mentors, and the effect of social relations and courtesies that occur in the evaluation process. The study also presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: It is necessary to rationalize and improve the process of selecting teachers before appointing them, expanding the circle of participants in the evaluation process, and introducing some other elements, such as students on the one hand, and higher levels of management as director of the educational administration.


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