Sarcasm and mockery in Nizar Qabbani's poetry

Document Type : Original Article




The question that arises here is: What might be the connection between the poetry of the poem, irony, and sarcasm? The answer may seem to us at first glance that there is no connection between them at all. Sarcasm, according to Jean Cohen, is the opposite of what is poetic. On the basis that it is a denial of emotion, a distance from the subject, and a stripping of the world of emotion, while everything that is poetic is considered a pole for the condensation of language and the world. This is because words and things are presented as situations or supports of an emotional nature, but a hidden link may not be hidden from the meditator if he carefully considers many of NizarQabbani’s poetic texts.
Poetry is nothing but an adventure in language and a constant search for everything that is new and unfamiliar by deviating from the methods of speech to different horizons based on the pleasure of strangeness as well as the shock of unexpectedness or surprise. In fact, sarcasm is not far removed from what was mentioned above, as it is also a brilliant breach and It is surprising to every established and serious system in terms of behavior, conscience and thought, and wherever this breach or surprise occurs, the shell of language - so to speak - disappears and covers it with an unexpected screen, which works toYou load it with sarcasm; The language of the poem departs from its harmonious emotional or intellectual guise


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