Laila Al-Akhiliya’s visionary in the elegy of repentance - a stylistic study

Document Type : Original Article




In my study, I seek to reveal the prominent and dominant stylistic characteristics of Laila’s poetic elegy in Repentance’s Elegy. I dealt with the text based on my awareness of the music of words and intentionality, which contains a conscious awareness of the psychological state of the poet, and an effect achieved on the pulse of the poem, through many levels: compositional, vocal, and rhetorical. I divided the verses into themes according to their content, then I began to clarify the mobilization of styles according to the levels mentioned through repetition when it highlights a sensitive point in the phrase and reveals the speaker’s interest in it, so that the mentioned style becomes apparent in the poem, in order to clarify the most convincing pressure points, This is to prove that stylistic structures are not limited to revealing aesthetic values, but rather extend to revealing the innermost parts of the poet’s soul and the feelings that rage within her heart. It also contributed to strengthening the unity of the text, and I decided to approach my studies in description, analysis, and statistics. Because it is the most appropriate from my point of view, and I achieved an explanation of the effect of the musical structure in terms of internal rhythm and external rhythm in the poem, so it had a high degree of maturity, completeness, and textual cohesion that would affect the meaning of the text verbally and morally


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