Obstacles Facing Jordanian Youth To Participate in Volunteering Work, A Field Study in Jordan, Amman Governorate .

Document Type : Original Article




This study aimed at investigating the Obstacles Facing Jordanian Youth To Participate in Volunteering Work, And also to determine the attitudes of young volunteers towards volunteer work.
The researcher used the sampling social survey method. The study sample consisted of (424) volunteers who were chosen by the simple random sampling method, constituting 20% of the total volunteers who participate in the voluntary work, which are (1400) volunteers, and all of them were interviewed. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher developed a survey questionnaires consisting of (31 ) items distributed among three domains.
The study shows that The most prominent trends of Youth towards voluntary work is the possibility of finding a job opportunity to combat unemployment, then gaining experience,while The most prominent obstacles that young volunteers face when participating in volunteer work are the volunteer’s financial inability to bear the travel expenses to participate in volunteer work, then the lack of education. And The culture of volunteer work since childhood.


Main Subjects