The philosophy of example and its implications for community psychology

Document Type : Original Article




Choosing the Ideal for any society is tantamount to choosing the path and goal for that group or nation. Because of the influence of the role model on young people and adolescents, according to social psychology, and its ability to win them over in words and behavior, the role Ideal has an aura that catches the eye, becoming an icon to be emulated. The researcher assumes that the philosophy of Ideal has intellectual premises linked to high ideals and idealism. Objectives: Identify the intellectual starting points of the Ideal in ancient philosophy. Research method: The researcher took the historical research approach in collecting information for his research, and took (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) as a model, because of the value their philosophy represents in the field of philosophy in general and in the philosophy of Ideals and Ideals. Conclusions: Greek art is considered to have a sublime aesthetic value, making it the most complete model of the idea of the Ideal, and their drawings and sculptures of symbols and heroes are models that have reached the point of idealism.


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