A look at the linguistic lords



This research deals with the definition of contextual linguistics as one of the modern linguistic sciences. Context is the basis of the intended meaning in any text or topic. It does not stop at the word or sentence alone, but rather extends to the integrated text and general speech through the relationship of vocabulary with each other in any of the different contexts. A single word is useless unless it is placed in a sentence through a regular context to carry a meaning. Therefore, we see the focus of contextualists on the linguistic contexts in which the word appears, and the necessity of determining the meaning of the word through its connection to the words of the sentence. This led to reaching the meaning of the word and its purpose by looking at the referred to, describing it, or defining it. We find that studying the meanings of words depends on analyzing and clarifying the contexts in which they appear, even if they are non-linguistic. The study presents the definition of the concept of context, and the theory of meaning among contextualists, and makes a comparison between the theory of context between Arabs and moderns, with the presentation of applied examples.