The significance of birds in poems of the Mongols

Document Type : Original Article



Birds are nations as diverse and different as man, and if you want to read the words of God: "From a bird in the ground or a bird flies wings only nations like you. Which opens up his heart and his voice to the voice of God Almighty, that bird, as if his beautiful voice plays on a hidden tendon in man is the love of beauty.                                                         
There is no doubt that the poet's sense of beauty around him is great, so the birds and the beauty of their voices and colors were among the things that helped poets to draw their beautiful pictures, which are almost as accurate as the pictures of real life or cut off from the cut, if this expression is permissible.                                                                         
As well as varied goals of poets and their goals; sometimes mention the bird to express the praise of Almmdouh and strength, and others see in describing themselves as a kind of courting Almmdouh and approach him and describe their situation in his hands, and others choose for the beauty of the appropriate birds such as Balbul, parrot, bathroom and so on. When talking about the war and its horrors, they mention the falcon, the eagle, the crow, and so on .                                                                   
 This is a study in the poems of the Mongol era, in which the researcher used the analytical method in the treatment of poetic verses    
The results of the study were the following:
 1-Balbull is one of the most famous male birds in the Persian poems of the Mongols.                                                                                
2-Balbul is often described as a singer and singer by poets of this age
3-The metaphor and metaphor of the most prominent rhetorical arts used in the selected verses.                                          

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