Employing exoticism and innovation in public relations advertisements/ Applied study

Document Type : Original Article




The advertisement aims to acquire consumer satisfaction and convince him to buy goods and services, by employing modern technology, and coding the advertisement with strangeness and innovation and everything that is new, and unfamiliar before, in order to arouse his attention and attract him towards advertising, and buy what carries the contents with conviction or as an experiment and influence, and one of the things produced by the technological development in the advertising industry, is the multiplicity of strange and innovative methods in design, directing and editing, which led to the possibility of creating unfamiliar advertising designs, and strange about The way of formal grooming from its familiar description and employing a new advertising style that Baghdad malls are not familiar with before and represent strangeness and innovation in the advertising industry is a watershed and important moment between the advertiser and the consumer, as it works to instill future ideas with a modern vision to influence the consumer and attract him towards what carries the advertisement of goods and services, in order to achieve an amazing visual orientation of the unfamiliar forms that the consumer, especially women, tend to, as equipped to direct the eye movement towards the advertisement. the end of the research To a set of scientific results can be summarized as follows:
1- After studying the research sample of (123) advertisements, the inscribed advertisements ranked first by 52.84%, represented by commercial, health and luxury advertisements, which occupied the first ranks.
2- Women were the most visible characters in these ads by 42.27% by employing emotional grooming with innovative images and visual backgrounds.
3- After studying the research sample represented by (176) respondents, it appeared that the public prefers innovative and strange advertisements by 92%, which have importance in making a purchase decision by 59.65%, and at the end of the research we presented a set of scientific recommendations that we deem appropriate in this field, relying on previous studies, references and modern scientific sources.
