The textual cohesion of the poem "Faqarat from the death book" by Amal Dingl

Document Type : Original Article




This research explores textual cohesion in the poem "Fragments of Death Book" to examine its syntactic and semantic cohesion aspects, drawing upon modern linguistic approaches that view the text as an integrated structure whose elements cannot be separated, thereby requiring a comprehensive analysis from all angles.
The theoretical aspect of the research delves into textual cohesion in modern linguistic studies, tracing its origins in Arabic linguistic studies concerning poetic structure by scholars like Al-Baqillani and Abdul-Qahir al-Jurjani. It investigates the tools of textual cohesion. On the practical side, the research examines the textual cohesion tools in the poem, concluding that the poem exemplifies textual cohesion at its highest level through various linguistic devices such as references, segmentation, and connection, which significantly contribute to clarifying the poem's meanings, connotations, and contexts.
